Paul Nuñez Coronel

Paul Nuñez Coronel (Segovia c1480 - Salamanca, 30 September 1534) was a Spanish Hebraist, and professor of Hebrew at the University of Salamanca. He trained to be a rabbi, but converted to Christianity prior to the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492.[1]

Cardinal Ximenez de Cisneros commissioned him, together with Alfonso de Alcalá, of Alcalá la Real, to provide a new translation of the Hebrew Bible into Latin for the Complutensian Polyglot (1514–17). He also wrote a commentary on the work of Nicolas de Lyre (c 1330), "Additiones ad Librum Nicolai Lirani de Differentiis Translationum (Verborum)," which survives only in manuscript.
